There's no denying it: I'm in a funk.
Our whirlwind trip to Germany was amazing and wonderful and all that, and I'll post about it as soon as I can figure out how to get the pictures off my broken camera.
See where the funk begins? The last night in Konstanz, I dropped my camera and now it doesn't work.
We left Germany on Sunday and were supposed to arrive in Boston that night, but when a mechanical error canceled the first flight, we missed our connection and had an unplanned stay in Paris.
This is where everyone goes, "Ooh! Paris! How nice!" Not exactly. Not even close. We didn't have enough time to go in to the city at all; we did manage a reasonable night's sleep at a lousy, institutional-style hostel masquerading as a chain hotel.
Between not getting enough sleep before the trip, not getting enough sleep during the trip, and the extra day of travel, I was exhausted. Add to that complete overindulgence (I don't think I ate anything in Germany other than meat products, pastries, and wine), and I look and feel like utter dog retch. My omnipresent purple eye circles have gotten darker. My lower lids are puffing out like a bullfrog's chest. I've got flaming blotches all over the left side of my face. I can barely drag my sorry carcass out of bed and when I do, I have a headache more often than not.
Yesterday I tried baking to cheer myself up and that completely failed. I made
this applesauce spice cake with a cream cheese frosting. It smelled amazing, but what a disappointment! The cake was bland and was completely overwhelmed by the too-sweet frosting. I can't remember the last time I baked something and didn't like it. I blame the funk.
So what to do? I have a three-part plan for this weekend.
1. SLEEP. Loads of it. Early to bed and naps in the afternoon.
2. FRESH AIR. To counteract the sleep. I don't want to sleep myself into sluggishness, and I could probably use the shot of Vitamin D.
3. FRUITS & VEGGIES. The only fruit I got in Germany had either been pressed & fermented or baked in to decadence. I don't remember vegetables at all, except for french fries at the 24-hour McDonald's (thickly-cut wedges -- much better than the shoestring ones). Otherwise it was sausage, fleishkase, more sausage, trout, and ribs. I'm going to try to avoid meat, dairy, and grains, and just load my system full of veggies - a nutrient reboot.
We'll see if my plan works. Cross your fingers! I'll report back Monday.